Connect Patients to Care Faster With HIPAA-Compliant Maps

Freshpaint replaces Google Maps with a feature-comparable mapping solution hosted on our BAA-supported platform, empowering healthcare marketers to help patients find care quickly while protecting privacy.

Google Maps Introduces A Privacy Problem

Geography's impact on health can't be overstated—it determines whether one has ready access to quality healthcare. Using maps across your healthcare website helps patients find the best care that's accessible to them. However, using Google Maps introduces a privacy problem.

An embedded Google Map on your healthcare website requires sharing a visitor's IP address with Google's servers. If the map displays a specific healthcare address, such as an oncology clinic, that could be inferred as health information. Sharing the combination of a user’s IP address and a specific healthcare location with Google violates privacy regulations.

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Secure PHI With Freshpaint’s HIPAA-Compliant Maps

Freshpaint replaces Google Maps with a HIPAA-compliant alternative hosted on Freshpaint’s BAA-supported healthcare privacy platform.

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A Feature Rich HIPAA-Compliant Alternative To Google Maps

Privacy doesn’t have to come at the cost of visitor experience. Freshpaint’s HIPAA-compliant maps provide flexibility and customization options to help you achieve your website goals.

Pannable, Zoomable Embedded Maps

Help patients orient and understand the area surrounding your healthcare locations so they can better plan their visits.

Interactive Maps With Locations

Interactive maps with marked healthcare locations show visitors the nearest healthcare options.

Autocomplete Search Functionality

Allow visitors to search for your nearest location within a specific area.

Customizable Styles

Freshpaint includes four default map themes and the flexibility to support any website’s style.

Freshpaint is for digital marketing in a privacy-first world

Use Freshpaint to replace all your non-compliant tracking technologies so advertising and analytics tools never get PHI.

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